marriage has always had problems respectively. There is no marriage without a
problem. The issue is like the salt of life, which must be mixed in accordance
with the food that will be made. Salt can be useful, but it can also make a
dish cannot be eaten because it was too salty. There are always feel less in
economic terms, limited income is never enough to meet the needs or desires are
unlimited, whereas the real problem when examined is how to manage finances. The
needs will never run out as well as the desire. There is dogged by a heavy
struggle because children are often sick or have a child with special needs
that require extra attention, both cost and energy. Other problems are the presence of a third
person, family members, relatives, friends and former lovers. So each issue
must be within a household because marriage is not an end, but the beginning of
the meeting of two people who promise to live together.
you need others to help resolve the problem, look for people who are competent,
professional and not share the secret of your household carelessly. Especially
in the era of rapid change, easy getting the information. Interesting story on the Gwen Stefani engagement ring .
to contact the former, friends or others who should not have to intervene in the
marriage, instead of actually making the situation became worse. Even the path
is taken after an accumulation of feelings and unresolved issues. No couple can
escape from problems, whoever he is. Do not expect your partner will understand
what you want, always ask and communicate, in order to always be connected in
the same wedding wave channel.
marriages require the process to know each other continuously, nothing happens
instantly. What is needed is a compromise of two sides that has a heart, the mind
and different actions. Two distinct people have a cultural background, social
and economic. Compromise in everything that is communicated, will create a
"win-win solution" so that no slogan man colonized women or vice
versa, "or simply succumb to each other so as not to fight or disagree.
Mistakes that occur in marriage gives individual learning who is involved in it
more and more mature.
us look back at our spouses, with different side when insipidness started to
undermine. Remember the first time you knew her, fell in love and ask for her
to get married. Certainly a lot of things to consider, many trials and
tribulations that passed. Believe she is the best for you at this time. If you
think he has not been ideal, then talk with a sweet smile while eating out
together and say what you want. There was no crushed stone, when drops of water
hit him all the time. It only took patience, patience and patience. Additional info on Kay promise ring.